Phytonotes & News
Browse through our list of informative short articles that we like to call PhytoNOTES and general news.
Health benefits of 1,8 cineol, a natural compound of eucalyptus leaves
The effect of eucalyptus oil is related to eucalyptol, the major constituent of eucalyptus species and a versatile natural organic compound.
Mentoring and the benefit for pharmaceutical companies and employees
The pharmaceutical industry is constantly undergoing significant changes.
Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower
For the phytopharmaceutical market, innovation, although not easy to achieve, creates new market opportunities.
Fight climate change with plant varieties and pooled intelligence
Genetic diversity enables us to breed new varieties of yeast, algea, plants or animals.
Drug discovery, botanicals & Artificial Intelligence
R&D for discovery of new drugs is time-consuming, expensive ($1–3bn) and a high-risk process that takes 12–18 years.
"Sick-care", healthcare, prevention and medicinal plants
Our healthcare systems is reactive and designed around curing sickness rather than proactively focusing on disease prevention.
The Cactus & blood glucose
The prevalence of obesity is increasing worldwide, affecting over a third of the global population, posing a substantial economic burden …
Our brain is flexible, unique and needs nutrition!
Different from what was assumed in the past, the adult brain is constantly changing due to learning, this is what we refer to as neuroplasticity.
Innovation and the phytopharmaceutical industry
The phytopharmaceutical industry is highly regulated, Monographs and Pharmacopeias mark the boundaries and limit room for innovation.
Innovation for tomorrow's phytomedicine
Invention + consumer need = Innovation for tomorrow's phytomedicine. Innovation is the key to success.
Consumer education: effective product or just pixie-dust?
The purchase of products that turn out to have no effect leads to frustrated consumers that stop believing in the health benefit of botanicals and …
Of bees and medicinal plants
Honey, propolis and royal jelly have been used by humans since ancient times as part of traditional medicine due to the antibacterial, antioxidant …
Top-trend "natural" – here to stay
Consumer demand natural food and natural medicine to support their more #natural, healthier lifestyle.
Brain health and Resilience in a VUCA world
The dynamic nature of our world can be summarized by the acronym #VUCA (Bennett & Lemoine, 2014), first used in …
"Fuel the microbes" for better performance?
The relevancy of the microbiome for mental and physical health and performance has started to receive concentrated attention.
Everything is entangled – Multifunctional products
An active lifestyle improves mental health, the microbiome influences immunity and performance and our mental states can alter organ function.
"Eco-Anxiety" boosts botanical medicine and supplements
“Climate-Anxiety” or "#EcoAnxiety" describes the state of chronic or severe anxiety due to climate change, affecting mostly younger people.
Covid-19 triggers growth of botanical market
In the last 2 years, we learned to live with social isolation, uncertainty and fear, contraints to work and adaptation to remote or hybrid work.
Reboot your mind and get back on track
No doubt, after intense workout, muscle cells need to recover and glycogen replenishment is needed. #Supplements that speed up recovery are part of …
Natural medicine with a modern twist
Following the success of our Ivy orodispersible thin films we proudly announce that the dossier of our PelaMelt® is ready-to-file.
Ivy ODF awarded with two prices
The “Best in pharmacy Awards“ committee has awarded Ivy ODF with two senior prices.
Sisymbrium – Ready to file
The development phase of the Sisymbrium pastilles has ended successfully. The dossier of herbal flavor is compiled and include ICH stability …
PelaLiquid® – First registration procedure running
After an in-depth review of the PelaLiquid® dossier via our web-based secured data room, the first licensing …